Mar 12, 2009

Bollywood Holi: Real and reel Rang Barse

Playful, mischievous and joyful – colourful Holi takes on so many hues. It becomes all the more vibrant, sensuous, glamorous and mysterious in the tinsel town of Bollywood. Holi in our filmdom is very special because there are deep lying shades beneath the colours of the festival. Don’t forget this – in Bollywood, there is always a reason to celebrate Holi – onscreen or offscreen!

Onscreen Holi is celebrated to add rare sensuousness and spice to a film. A drenched sizzling heroine in white, pursued by the lovelorn hero along with jubilant junior artists, present a colourful spectacle onscreen. The naughty camera does justice to the heroine’s figure as she twirls and swirls to escape the splash of colours.

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