Aug 22, 2009

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth Kissing

It seems that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are more than just friends or costars. This is because last Wednesday, Miley Cyrus was at the Nashville airport to bid Hemsworth goodbye, but it was more than an ordinary goodbye as the teen couple kissed each other and according to a New York actor Alex Emanuel, they were “full-on making out,”. Alex Emanuel said he was standing close to the teen couple and was watching them. Emanuel said that Miley Cyrus acts “as giddy as a schoolgirl.”
On arriving at the airport, Hemsworth was on Miley’s truck and he jumped out of it with his luggage. According to Alex Emanual, after Hemsworth got out of the truck then Miley jumped but she did not jumped at floor. Emanuel said,

16-year-old Miley Cyrus and 18-year-old Liam Lemsworth worked together in the movie “The Last Song”, that wrapped up recently. On 16 August they also attended the wrap party of “The Last Song”, together. Miley wrote on her Twitter that she is still a single and maintaing her status. She wrote.
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