Aug 22, 2009

Courtney Love fires Back at libel Case

Courtney Love has fired back at a fashion designer whom she once called a ‘nasty lying hosebag thief’ on Twitter.

Dawn Simorangkir, the Austin, Texas, fashion designer, who runs the Boudoir Queen label, sued Kurt Cobain’’s widow for libel last May after Love called the designer a prostitute and a drug addict on her Twitter and MySpace pages, as well as in the comments section of online marketplace

Simorangkir claimed Love slimed her because she charged Love for clothes the rocker thought she was getting for free.

Now, Keith Fink, a lawyer for Love, has filed a motion in LA Superior Court to toss Simorangkir’’s suit, reports the New York Post.

In court papers, Love has claimed that Simorangkir actually stole two bags of clothing from her while visiting Love at the Chateau Marmont, and sold off to third parties “hundreds of thousands of dollars” worth of raw materials Love had provided her.

Love has also claimed that Simorangkir “repeatedly” asked her to “partake in and procure cocaine” with her, and that she told Love she”d once worked as a call girl in California.

Fink defended Love’s online rants saying: “Alternative mediums such as Twitter and personal Web blogs enjoy the same First Amendment protection as do newspapers, television and radio. It is important that this cherished right not be marginalized when speech is communicated via the Internet. Ms. Cobain enjoys using Twitter and expressing her views . . . to her fans and those who are interested in following what she has to say.”

Simorangkir’s lawyer said: “If you know Courtney, you know what’’s going on here. It certainly doesn”t behoove her to engage in a credibility battle. Quite frankly, I cannot wait to get this case in front of a jury. This motion is a loser.”
