Aug 28, 2009

Mario Kart The Movie

Mario Kart The Movie, I wouldn’t usually consider heroism, death, and love to be key ingredients of the Mario Kart series, but it seems a movie adaptation of the Nintendo racer would feature giant dollops of all three.

Mario Kart The Movie YouTube comedy troupe DrCoolSex filmed this cheesy but fun trailer for a hypothetical Mario Kart film, and goddamn it, turns out there was an awesome film hidden away in that franchise all along. Although videogames have never translated well to the silver screen, I’d probably cough up a tenner fiver couple of bucks to see the full version of this.

It might lack the polish of Mario Kart The Movie trailer (an elaborate April Fool’s trick from many moons ago), but that’s all part of the charm. The Mario/Luigi bedside scene is my favorite bit, I think

Mario Kart The Movie
