Yesterday was the 1st NBA Playoffs match between two most tough teams in one of the most famous series, Atlanta Hawks and Chicago Bulls...... nba, los angeles lakers, atlanta hawks, lakers, la lakers, lakers, chicago bulls, nba, atlanta hawks, los angeles lakers,Read Full Story: Bulls Disappointing Loss From Bulls
Match was really tough and interesting. Both teams played game of almost same, los angeles lakers, atlanta hawks, lakers, la lakers, lakers, chicago bulls, nba, atlanta hawks, los angeles lakers,Read Full Story: Bulls Disappointing Loss From Bulls
Match was much tough at that point but in 4th and last quarter of the match Bulls failed to score well and they just, los angeles lakers, atlanta hawks, lakers, la lakers, lakers, chicago bulls, nba, atlanta hawks, los angeles lakers,Read Full Story: Bulls Disappointing Loss From Bulls