Jan 22, 2010

Madonna Plastic Surgery

Madonna Plastic Surgery, Madonna plastic surgery before and after: Madonna and Heidi Montag have something more than blond hair in common. Both have had cosmetic surgery. Granted, Madonna is more the age of someone you would expect to see under the knife but still – now everyone wants to compare these women before and after their plastic surgery.

The reason that Madonna’s plastic surgery is creating a buzz once again is because un-altered photos of the 51 year old singer were published in W Magazine.


The Madonna pictures were much different than the Heidi Montag pictures. At least Heidi retained some of her beauty.

That being said, the sad thing about Madonna is that she has gone under the knife. Not only that, she was a sex symbol for decades. She went from being the material girl to looking almost miserable in her latest photo shoot.

You would think that the singer would have retained a more youthful look in her photographs – especially after plastic surgery.

On the other side, you have to kind of applaud Madonna for being photographed in an un-altered fashion. Remember – she is 51 and she’s not supposed to look the same as a 25, 30, or even 40 year old woman.