Veer Movie Review, Ancestral feud. Mutual hatred. Boy meets girl. And if that ain't enough you have rom-com, song-dance sequences and comic relief. Those, as we all know, are the ingredients of the masala cocktail. They seem to be in almost the right proportion too. How much each element is allowed to marinade is where things go wrong. So, while it’s a go right ahead for "Salmaniacs", for others it's not a complete loss either.
That could be because some masalaparameters are kept void like a love triangle, a spy in the tribe, etc. But, if we really wanted to get into what could have been, there is a lot more that could've been straightened for it to make a better mark with the audiences. For example, the comic element in the romantic thread distracted from the story big time. The sincerity of the lovers didn't reach us mainly due to the laughs the makers seek to generate.
Then, there's the almost 3-hour length and the pace at which every elements of the story unfolds. While introduction to various Rajahs and Sardars and their black, white and guess what…some gray characters takes up the first half, it isn't boring. For one the way the camera moves, pans and zooms, make you marvel the terrain. Then the songs, especially Taali is composed, sung, picturized (in a smallish tribal den), and choreographed to draw and keep your attention. At this point you are wondering about the story that is still waiting to be told and you see potential too Read More Veer Movie Review